Monday, May 10, 2010

Zimbabwe's Prisoners are Left Starving and Sick

Summary: It has recently been discovered that the conditions in Zimbabwe prisons are beyond humane. Many of the prisons are overcrowded, the sanitation is discusting, and there is not enough food for all of the inmates. Many of the inmates are beyond starvation, and the hospitals are unable to obtain the necesary supplies. This is because the justice system has a very small budget to work with, and not many people are willing to donate their hard earned money to convicted fellons when this country is already stricken with poverty. Also one of the prisons has such a small budget, that it is unable to afford fuel to transport the prisoners. Many of the people are now unable to go to trial because they have no way to get there. Some of the men in these prisons have not yet been found guilty and are simply awaiting a trial. Some countries also facing this problem have come to the decision to execute the men living on death row as soon as possible in order to make room for more inmates.
Opinion: This is very sad that some of these men are forced to live in these conditions. Many might argue that since they committed a crime that they diserve this, but i dissagree. Although they have made some mistakes no one should be forced to sit in a cell all day long and starve to death. Some of the men probably can not afford a decent attorny to represent them in court, and are probably facing a worse conviction than necesary. Then men on death row have probably done some terrible things, but they deserve to live atleast until the set date for their exectution. This country is suffering from poverty all over, including the prisons, but no one really cares about the prisoners, so they are not recieving the things necesary for survival. To me this means that the government is not fairly distributing their money and is not doing the right things to help all of its citizens.

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