Monday, May 17, 2010

Reduce the Number of Accidents on Zimbabwe's Roads

Summary: This article is talking about how dangerous the driving conditions are in Zimbabwe, and some of the ways that they can be prevented. Many lives have been lost on the roads in Zimbabwe and there are many things that can and should be done in order to prevent these things from happening. The author believes that they need to repair many of the main roads in order to decrease the number of accidents, and they also need to duelize the highways in order to decrease the number of head on collisions. The author also says that money is not the only thing necesary to help the road safety on Zimbabwe, they also need the people. For instance they need the police to really start being very strict on the laws, and really enforce them if they want safer roads. Also the police should only allow safe vehicles on the road, and that the buses and other public transport vehicles take extra precaution. The author also encourages many of the passengers by pressuring their drivers to be very safe, and the drivers to always be safe and obey driving regulations.
Opinion: I completely agree with the author of this article. It is very upsetting when you hear about the deaths that have occured because of reckless driving, and all of these injuries or deaths could have been easily avoided if people would just be safe. But not everyone is a cautious driver, so these road improvements could very much make a great impact of the number of accidents per year. Also it is important to encourage those that are cautious drivers to pressure those that are not into being safe. Not only does the auther have great ideas but they also have a plan on how the government would pay for all of these improvements. They would set tolls up on the highways throughout Zimbabwe and all of they money that they make from that could go to improving the streets of Zimbabwe.

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