Monday, May 17, 2010

Zimbabwean Mine Workers Agree to End Strike

Summary: The Zimbabwean mine workers that began to strike last Thursday have decided to end the strike and began to work again starting Tuesday. These workers began the strike because of low pay, and as they start back to work tommorrow they still have not settled the problems about their salaries within their companies. The only reason that many of the workers are returning to work is because they were compelled to by the Ministry of Labor while they were pending a ruling by the Labor Court.
Opinion: When the workers first started the strike I thought that they could have gotten what they wanted in a better way without lowering the production rate, and losing the company alot of money. I still do not think that the strike was a good idea in the first place, but once you start a strike I do not think you should end the strike until you get what you want. The companies were obviously losing money and were getting desperate, so if they would have held out for a couple more days they could have had the upper hand in the bargaining.

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