Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tsvangaria Party Calls for New Election Plans

Summary: The Zimbabwe Prime Minister called for a summit of all of the current political leaders in Zimbabwe to discuss setting up Zimbabwe's unity government. This meeting will also discuss the legitimacy of the next election. All of the leaders at this meeting share a frustration with the current state of the government and they are unhappy with many of the choices the Mugabe is making. They believe that many of the choices he is making are not necessarily in the best interest of the country, but just to postpone the swearing in of Bennet.
Opinion: I believe that this is a step in the right direction. It is good that these members of the government are realizing the mistakes the have been making in the past with the elections and are trying to correct them. Zimbabwe is on the right path to an better and uncorrupted government, and although it will take many years to reach this, if they keep doing what they are doing then it will eventually happen.

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